Greenville, Moosehead Lake and Piscataquis County, Maine
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Moosehead Lake, Maine


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Nestled among the tree covered mountains, Moosehead Lake, in Piscataquis County, is the largest lake east of the Mississippi in one state. Moosehead Lake's island studded waters stretch as far as the eye can see until its blue is swallowed by the dark green of the surrounding forest.

Moosehead Lake is the largest lake in the U.S. state of Maine and the largest mountain lake in the eastern United States. Situated in the Longfellow Mountains in the Maine Highlands Region, the lake is the source of the Kennebec River. Towns that border the lake include Greenville to the south and Rockwood to the northwest. There are over 80 islands in the lake, the largest being Sugar Island.

Moosehead Lake is quietly becoming the destination for eco-tourists, nature lovers, and those seeking a refuge from the bustle and stress of their busy lives. The pristine waters draw those wishing to explore nature by kayak or canoe, fly fish, relax on a scenic cruise on the historic steamship Katahdin, or feel the adrenaline rush of shooting the rapids on the world class white water rafting rivers.

Most visitors traveling east of Greenville pass right by the tiny village of Kokadjo, Its welcome sign - "Welcome to Kokajdo, Population not many". But don't let Kokadjo's humble looks fool you. The Roach River runs right through town and is an excellent spot to fly fish for Brook Trout and Landlocked Salmon. Nearby Roach Ponds and Moosehead Lake offer rental cabins, boating, swimming, and fishing opportunities and plenty of peace and quiet. This area is home to a large population of Moose, frequently seen along the roadsides or feeding in local ponds. In fall the hills light up with color, and most folks enjoy just driving around enjoying the views. In winter the area The mountains offer hiking experiences for all abilities (including a stretch of the Appalacian Trail), as well as bird watching, scenic vistas, mountain biking, skiing, snow boarding and ice climbing.

Mount Katahdin is the highest mountain in Maine at 5,267 feet. Named Katahdin by the Penobscot Indians, which means "The Greatest Mountain", Katahdin is the centerpiece of Baxter State Park. It is a steep, tall mountain formed from a granite intrusion weathered to the surface. The flora and fauna on the mountain are typical of those found in northern New England.

Looking for adventure in Maine this year?

Deep sea fishing trips, whale watching and lighthouse tours are big in the coastal counties of Hancock (Bar Harbor), and Lincoln, (Booth Bay Harbor).

Moose watching, canoeing and hiking are great in the mountain counties of Piscataquis, (Greenville and Moosehead Lake), and Penobscot, (Bangor).

Looking for fun things to do? Find attractions, Museums, historic sites, adventures like white water rafting, hiking and more by visiting our new "Maine Attractions" page.

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